157 research outputs found

    Kaupunkilaisia kehittämässä : Tutkimus suomalaisten kaupunkien rakentamista ihmisten julkisista rooleista

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisille kaupunkilaisille mahdollisia julkisen osallistumisen tapoja. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on, millaisia julkisen osallistumisen tapoja suomalaiset kaupungit ihmisille rakentavat. Tutkimuskysymys jaetaan kahteen osaan. Ensiksi, missä yhteydessä ja miten kaupungit ihmisistä ja heidän julkisesta osallistumisestaan puhuvat? Toiseksi, millaisia ihmisten julkisia rooleja, julkisen osallistumisen tapoja, kaupunkien puheessa rakennetaan? Ihmisten julkisen osallistumisen ongelmaa lähestytään päämies-agentti-teorian näkökulmasta sekä osana julkishallinnon historiallista kehitystä. Tutkimus kytkeytyy kriittisen hallinnon tutkimuksen traditioon. Samalla omaksutaan vaikutteita kehystämisen tutkimuksesta: muodollisten osallistumismahdollisuuksien sijaan tavoitteena on tunnistaa ihmisille käytännössä mahdollisia osallistumisen tapoja. Osallistumisen muotoja tarkastellaan roolin käsitteen avulla: roolit saavat tutkimuksessa ihmisille mahdollisia osallistumisen tapoja kokoavien käsitteiden aseman. Roolien rakentuminen ymmärretään dialektisena prosessina. Rooleihin tiivistyvät yhteiskunnassa vallitsevat käsitykset; samalla roolit nähdään normaalia ja sallittua osallistumista tuottavina tulkintatapoina. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kahdeksan suomalaisen kaupungin strategioista. Niitä tarkastellaan sekä kaupungin hallintoa ohjaavina asiakirjoina että kaupunkien puheena: strategiat kuvaavat kaupungin käsityksiä ihmisten julkisesta osallistumisesta. Strategioihin sisältyviä tulkintatapoja tutkitaan kriittisen diskurssianalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen analyysiosassa kaupunkien puheesta syntyy yhtenäinen kuva. Kaupunkien ja ihmisten suhde rakentuu pitkälti päämies-agentti-teorian lähtökohtien mukaisesti: ihmiset nauttivat hyvinvoinnista, jota kaupungin hallinto heille tuottaa. Strategiat noudattavat kausaalisten tarinoiden kaavaa: kaupungin toiminta seuraa johdonmukaisesti sen omaksumista tavoitteista. Kaupunkien toimintaa kuvataan välttämättöminä vastauksina yhteiskunnallisiin muutosilmiöihin: tilaa kaupunkien tavoitteita ja toimenpiteitä koskevalle julkiselle keskustelulle ei synnytetä. Kaupunkilaisille osallistumisen mahdollisuuksia tarjotaan siellä, missä ne kaupungin hallinnon tavoitteenasettelua tukevat. Ihmisille rakennettavat osallistumisen mahdollisuudet liittyvät ennen kaikkea kaupunkien tuottamien palvelujen kehittämiseen: palvelujen käyttäjän rooli korostuu kaupunkien puheessa. Kaupungit tavoittelevat asiakaslähtöisyyttä ja yhteisöllisyyttä, jotka esitetään yksiselitteisinä, poliittisesti latautumattomina tavoitteina. Osallistumisesta tehdään kaupunkien puheessa epäpoliittista: mahdolliset intressikonfliktit pyritään sulkemaan kaupungin ja ihmisten suhteen ulkopuolelle. Ihmisten mahdollisuudet vaihtoehtoiseen, kyseenalaistavaan vaikuttamiseen puuttuvat. Kaupungit pyrkivät puheessaan tukemaan vain osaa ihmisten mahdollisista julkisen osallistumisen tavoista. Rajatutkin osallistumisen mahdollisuudet saattavat silti kohentaa ihmisten luottamusta kaupunkien kaltaisten julkisten instituutioiden toimintaan

    Discriminating the viscoelastic properties of cellulose textile fibers for recycling

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    The viscoelastic properties of cellulose fibers play an important role in chemical recycling of textiles. Here we discriminated the intrinsic viscosity of cotton roll towels and bed linens using near-infrared imaging spectroscopy and supervised pattern recognition. The classification results showed training and test set accuracies of 84–97% and indicated that the relevant spectral features were related to water, cellulose, and cellulose crystallinity. We hypothesized that the decreasing intrinsic viscosity of cotton was associated with changes in cellulose crystallinity and water adsorption, which was supported by additional X-ray and sorption measurements. These results are important as they indicate the potential to non-invasively estimate the degree of polymerization and the suitability of different cotton materials for chemical recycling. We propose that changes in the degree of polymerization and cellulose crystallinity could be used as an indicator of the chemical quality of cellulose fibers, which would have wider impacts for textile recycling.</p

    Monokalsiumfosfaatti ja ureafosfaatti sekä käsittelemätön olki ja ammoniakilla käsitelty olki mullien ruokinnassa

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    vokMyynti MTT:n kirjasto. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    Interactive Information Visualization for Sensemaking in Power Grid Supervisory Systems

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    Operators of power grid supervisory control systems have to gather information from a wide variety of views to build situation awareness. Findings from a conducted field study show that this task is challenging and cogni-tively demanding. Visualization research for power grid supervisory control systems has focused on developing new visualization techniques for representing one aspect of the power system data. Little work has been done to demon-strate how information visualization techniques can sup-port the operator in the sensemaking process to achieve situation awareness. To fill this gap, and with support from a field study, we propose solutions based on multiple and coordinated views, visual interactive filtering and parallel coordinates

    Changes in healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies among older working-age people in Finland, 2000-2017

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    Background Raising the statutory retirement age has been a common policy response to population ageing, but health problems may restrict labour force participation in older ages. We examined the development of healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies in Finland from 2000 to 2017 using different measures of health problems. Methods Healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies were calculated for the age range 50-65 years using the Sullivan method. The health measures were limiting long-standing illness, self-rated health, mental health problems and self-assessed work ability. Results Healthy working life expectancy was highest when health was measured by work ability. From 2000 to 2017, working years in full ability between the ages 50-65 increased from 6.2 (95% confidence interval 5.9-6.4) to 8.2 (8.0-8.5). Healthy working life expectancy increased also when measured by the other indicators. Unhealthy working years also increased, except when health problems were measured by limiting long-standing illness. The share of years in work increased both within the healthy and the unhealthy years, the increase being larger or equally large for the latter. Within the healthy and unhealthy years measured by the other three indicators, the share of working years increased irrespective of whether work ability was full or limited, but the increase was larger for limited work ability. Conclusions In Finland, healthy working life expectancy has increased irrespective of how health is measured but also working with health problems has become more prevalent. The estimates for healthy working years are highest when a direct measure of work ability is used.Peer reviewe

    Modeling the Charging of Highly Oxidized Cyclohexene Ozonolysis Products Using Nitrate-Based Chemical Ionization

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    Several extremely low volatility organic compounds (ELVOCs) formed in the ozonolysis of endocyclic alkenes have recently been detected in laboratory and field studies. These experiments have been carried out with chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight mass spectrometers (CI-APi-TOP) with nitrate ions as reagent ions. The nitrate ion binds to the detected species through hydrogen bonds, but it also binds very strongly to one or two neutral nitric acid molecules. This makes the measurement highly selective when there is an excess amount of neutral nitric acid in the instrument. In this work, we used quantum-chemical methods to calculate the binding energies between a nitrate ion and several highly oxidized ozonolysis products of cydohexene. These were then compared with the binding energies of nitrate ion nitric acid clusters. Systematic configurational sampling of the molecules and clusters was carried out at the B3LYP/6-31+G* and omega B97xD/aug-cc-pVTZ levels, and the final single-point energies were calculated with DLPNO-CCSD(T)/def2-QZVPP. The binding energies were used in a kinetic simulation of the measurement system to determine the relative ratios of the detected signals. Our results indicate that at least two hydrogen bond donor functional groups (in this case, hydroperoxide, OOH) are needed for an ELVOC molecule to be detected in a nitrate ion CI-APi-TOP. Also, a double bond in the carbon backbone makes the nitrate cluster formation less favorable.Peer reviewe

    Association of short poor work ability measure with increased mortality risk : a prospective multicohort study

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    Publisher Copyright: © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.OBJECTIVES: To examine whether a single-item measure of self-rated work ability predicts all-cause mortality in three large population-based samples collected in 1978-1980, 2000 and 2017. SETTING: A representative sample of the population of Finland. PARTICIPANTS: The study population comprised 17 178 participants aged 18 to 65 from the population-based Mini-Finland, Health 2000 and FinHealth 2017 cohort studies, pooled together. In all cohorts, self-rated work ability was assessed at baseline (1978-80, 2000-2001 and 2017) using three response alternatives: completely fit (good work ability), partially disabled (limited work ability) and completely disabled (poor work ability) for work. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: All-cause mortality from national registers. Cox proportional hazards models were adjusted for socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle factors, self-rated health and mental health problems. RESULTS: Of the participants, 2219 (13%) were classified as having limited and 991 (5.8%) poor work ability and 246 individuals died during the 4 year follow-up. The age- and sex-adjusted HR for mortality risk was 7.20 (95% CI 5.15 to 10.08) for participants with poor vs good work ability and 3.22 (95% CI 2.30 to 4.43) for participants with limited vs good work ability. The excess risk associated with poor work ability was seen in both genders, all age groups, across different educational levels, self-rated health levels and in those with and without mental health problems. The associations were robust to further adjustment for education, health behaviours, self-rated health and mental health problems. In the multivariable analyses, the HR for mortality among those with poor vs good work ability was 5.75 (95% CI 3.59 to 9.20). CONCLUSIONS: One-item poor self-rated work ability -measure is a strong predictor of increased risk of all-cause mortality and may be a useful survey-measure in predicting severe health outcomes in community-based surveys.Peer reviewe